Sunday, January 26, 2014


The concept for our litebright project arose from the irony of the robot actually drawing itself (a robotized "selfie" if you must). It was decided to create both Mitey and Titey interacting with each other while creating a doodle. Our only main concern was how long running the code was going to take, so picking the right camera settings, and more importantly the right type of light was key

Jawwad working his magic

Running the code on SMT, making sure there would be no problems


These were some initial tests, trying to figure out which type of flashlight to use. The top image shows a much finer LED type light creating a more crisp "squiggle". The bottom was using a traditional flashlight, which we decided to avoid since it would create a much thicker line, losing some of the details of our drawing



Using our amazing engineering skills, we attached the small LED flashlight to the KUKA via painter's tape. Making sure it was secure enough so it wouldn't fall off while running the code 


Uploading the code to Mitey, making sure there would be no errors

 Looks like it's a GO!

This was our first test at capturing the light image running it at 0.1 Velocity and we quickly realized that we were going to have to speed it up, otherwise there would be no definition in the end result

This was attempt number 2 running at 0.2 Velocity. Looking better, but the light was still too strong, so we decided to shoot from an angle



As a bonus, we decided to create the KUKA logo and incorporate it into our final image. We first tried to run the code with the lights on, but the image was overexposed at the end

As you can see...

Here is the result of that one

And finally after some Photoshop magic this is the end result:


Monday, January 20, 2014

Jawwad Squiggle

Vanessa squiggle

Andres's Squiggle

Sean Niu's Squiggle

The idea of this squiggle is trying to have a central point that connects all the geometries in different plans and directions. The goal of this exploration is to to investigate the ability of setting up constrains and parameters in  the process of drawing and designing in 3D.