Monday, February 3, 2014

Towards A Bespoke Building Process


    It is evident that the idea of robots and their uses are changing though the passing of the years. Robots were first envisioned as thoughtless working machines designed to do human labor that was too hazardous or exhausting, thus aiding the "daily human struggle". These machines were used for repetitious jobs that did not change much over the years, a job that when set in place could run for a long time without disruption. However recently in projects such as R-O-B the robots have been put to a greater use, expanding on their capabilities to the architectural world. A robot and especially in this reading, R-O-B starts to look at the true potential of the robots and its use in architectural designing, fabrication and building. One of the most important features is its portability.  
     As more designers are learning the software and operation costs of these machines are declining the possibilities for the future of these robots in the architectural field is looking very promising. The robots were not solely meant for one repetitious job but they have the potential to perform very complex design processes that are carefully programmed by the designer. Each program unique to the design of each project, with thoughts of materiality and how the project is going to be made with the ample tools available to use with the robot. Robots are being used in architecture more and more every year and it looks like the robots are here to stay.

-Vanessa Argento

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